you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Monday, January 22, 2018

More and More Miracles

Miracle 1- We found out that two apostles will be visiting our mission on Saturday. I just want you to make sure you are firmly planted in your seat because it is ELDER HOLLAND AND ELDER UCHTDORF. This is not a drill, test, or joke. They really are coming to speak to the Arkansas Little Rock Mission. Sister Chapple and I screamed way louder than what is likely missionary appropriate upon receiving the news. I had to pull over into a gas station to process for five minutes. I still have to check my pulse often. 

Miracle 2- On Sunday Sister Chapple and I walked some of our investigators to church from across the street and I sat down with them before sacrament meeting started. Sister Chapple was giving a talk so she went to sit on the stand and I sat with our investigators. Well, a few minutes before sacrament meeting began the cutest young girl walked in and sat on a row by herself. I had a member sit with our investigators and went to sit by the girl. Her name is Jessa and she said she was visiting. I figured she was just a YSA I hadn't met before but she told me she isn't a member of the church. I asked her how she heard about the church and what brought her there. She replied, "its just something i've been wanting to do for a long time. I have been watching vlogs and reading blogs of members of the church for past two years. I've seen the example of their families and the way they live". I just about passed out and tried so hard to mouth to sister Chapple, "you're going to die". Jessa is attending Ole Miss and said that she read the Book of Mormon her senior year of high school. She stayed all three hours of church and said that she really enjoyed it. This afternoon we went out to lunch with her and a YSA in the ward. It was so fun and we are obviously SO excited to start teaching her. She is so courageous and humble. I love her already. 

Miracle 3- We found a man to teach from Mexico who speaks decent English which is a relief because the door approach in Spanish can only get ya so far. Well, we went with a member yesterday to bring him a Libro de Mormon and teach him about the restoration. The spirit was so present while telling the Joseph Smith story and reciting the first vision. Alex began to cry. He said, "you're going to come back to teach me more right? Because this is what I have been looking for". So tender! He said he felt that God came with us when we came into his home. What a testament that the Lord is in this work and walks side by side with us. My favorite scripture is D&C 84:88 for that very reason, "And whoso recieveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up". 

I love the Lord and I love this work. I'm so thankful for the grace of Jesus Christ which alone has saved my soul and given me the chance to change my life for the better. Our recent convert Lia is doing great! We helped her get started on family history this week to prepare to attend the temple.

I don't have many pictures this week so sorry!

Much love,
Sister Guthrie

1 comment:

  1. Alpha Testo Maxxx If this is true and your own name is George your arm will be strong at the same time resistance up against the pressure. Circumstance name is not George the arm will weak and sometimes even gentle pressure from two fingers causes it to fall.
