you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Miracles Have Not Ceased

Teaching Lia has been one big miracle. I love that girl so much. She’s become one of my best friends and I’m so thankful the Lord has let me be a small part of her adventure joining the church. I first was transferred to Oxford at the end of October and my first time meeting all of the members was at the ward Halloween party. I met Sister Stoddard who introduced me to Lia. She said, “this is Lia, our nanny! We’ve adopted her into our family and are trying to convert her even though mormons are crazy!” and it was funny but I instantly felt a connection to Lia and a hope for her to actually become interested in learning about the gospel. I continued to have interactions with Lia as we had meals with the Stoddard’s and saw her at church and other ward activities. My first few couple of months in Oxford were really challenging and I had two companions in a row go home from their missions early. It was the hardest time of my mission but knocking on doors, the ward members, and prayer were my saving grace. A month ago while sitting in sacrament meeting with Sister Dayley I had a clear impression that it was time to start teaching Lia. She had come to church that Sunday so after sacrament meeting we invited her to come to gospel principles class. Well, that Sunday we were studying the millennium in class. It was a hot mess. Lia was so confused and probably completely overwhelmed. Although it felt like a disaster at the time I realized afterwards that it was meant to be because it gave us an opportunity to invite Lia to learn the basic principles of the gospel. She accepted the invitation and that Sunday evening we had our first lesson with her. During that lesson we invited Lia to be baptized and she said yes to being baptized on January 13th. We began teaching Lia about 3 times a week and stayed in contact with her daily. Although she had a few questions and concerns along the way Lia progressed so quickly. She accepted and followed through on every commitment we extended to her. She read from the Book of Mormon daily and attended all three hours of church weekly. I’ve learned to much about faith and diligence from her. On Saturday morning Lia was baptized by Brother Stoddard. I was able to speak on the subject of baptism at the service. It was such a good day. On Sunday Lia was confirmed a member of the church and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. I felt so much peace, joy and excitement for Lia this weekend. After church on Sunday she was interviewed by the bishop to receive a temporary use Temple recommend and we are going to get her started on family history this week. I know that God is involved in every aspect of the work of the salvation of His children. How thankful I am to have chosen to serve a mission. I can’t believe all of the amazing experiences and blessings I would have missed out on by choosing not to serve. I am especially grateful for the people I’ve met and relationships that have followed. In the beginning of October last year Elder Klebingat of the seventy came to tour our mission. His instruction was so powerful and impactful to me. The spirit was so strong during our meeting with him and at one point I had the words come to my mind as if someone was speaking to me, “there is one person you need to find, teach and baptize before you go home who will be truly converted”. I wrote the impression in my journal and sometime along the way of teaching Lia I realized that the impression was about her. I knew she would be baptized before she entered the waters of baptism because of that impression. I can see how the Lord directed my path throughout out the past few months. Although there were intense trials and struggles I can see now that God was directing it all. I know God lives. I know that miracles have not ceased (Moroni 7:29). I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes (Romans 1:16). 

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