you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Monday, January 8, 2018

Miracles in 2018

So many good things happened this week. Lia is still doing great and progressing towards her baptism on Saturday!! Monday was Sister Dayley’s last day in Oxford so we went and had dinner and family home evening with the Stoddard’s and Lia. We talked about the importance of praying, studying the scriptures and keeping the sabbath day holy! On Tuesday we had district meeting and then drove to Colloerville to drop off Sister Dayley to have her departing interview with President before heading the Little Rock before going home. I picked up my new companion, Sister Chapple and we had a great adventure driving home. We went up to Bartlett to pick up her bike and then headed for Oxford. Well, about an hour into our trip I felt a huge bump like we had drove over a pothole. We were on the freeway so the chances of it being a pothole were unlikely. I looked in the rear view mirror and Sister Chapples bike was gone!! So I pulled over and we went to check it out. It was dragging behind the car, hanging on to the bike rack only by a few velcro straps. Half of her seat was demolished and we later discovered that her bike is completely unridable. It was a memorable start to our time together. That night we went by the Stoddard’s for Sister Chapple to meet Lia. We taught her about the word of wisdom. It was so funny. We explained that the word of wisdom was revelation received by Joseph Smith for our benefit and includes abstaining from coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs. Lia said, “that might be a problem because I really like my coke”. We explained that she could still drink caffeine to which she replied, “I mean cocaine..” hahahaha she was totally joking but I almost fell out of my seat. On Thursday we taught Lia again over Facebook video chat with a member of the relief society presidency. We talked about tithing and fasting. The member shared a personal experience of paying tithing and receiving an outpour of blessings. I felt the spirit so strong and know that Lia did too. On Thursday night we helped the Lund family clean the church and Lia joined us! It was awesome to be able to do service together and afterwards we all went out for Thai food. I love curry. After everyone else left, Sister Chapple, Lia, Nevada and I just sat in the restaurant talking and laughing. I love that the gospel can bring people together and build the strongest relationships. I love all of the friendships I’ve made throughout my time serving. Last week we went to visit a less active member who was baptized about a year ago. After talking with him he told us that his brother, Sister in law, and their kids live right across the street from our church building. He mentioned that his niece and nephews are always asking to visit our church! So, on Friday we went and taught the family about the restoration and they loved it. The mom and her 8 year old son accepted an invitation to be baptized at the end of this month. We invited them all to church and the mom said that she had to work that day. Sense the family lives right across the street from the church we offered to walk the kids over to church on Sunday morning and she said okay so we did!! It was so cute. Everyone in the ward is super supportive of Lia getting baptized and are helping her learn and grow in the church. I’m so excited for her. Yesterday we had a cool experience. We were running behind on time and had to decide wether we should still knock doors on a street we chose or not. We decided to go ahead and do it. We parked and realized we had about 7 min. We decided to knock on doors until we found someone to give a copy of the Book of Mormon to. We knocked on one door and no one answered. We felt prompted to knock on the door across the street. Sister Chapple jokingly said, “you should just say God sent us here to give you a Book of Mormon” so I did. The lady who answered the door invited us in, told us that her daughter had read the Book of Mormon, and gave me a coke! We are going back Tuesday night to teach her more. I love missionary work and I love being led by the spirit. “I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will” (words of Mormon 1:7). Today is Lia’s 22nd birthday so we are spending the day with her! We are learning to paint and eating junk food. I know this work is true and I’m so thankful to be a missionary. 

Sister Bailey Guthrie
31 Private Road 3151 apt. 12

Oxford, MS 38655


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