you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Monday, January 29, 2018

At the Feet of Prophets and Apostles

I'm not sure if I'll be able to accurately describe how good this week and weekend was but I will try! On Tuesday we had zone conference in Memphis and were instructed by President Hansen. After our meeting we went on exchanges with some sisters and I was able to work in Memphis with Sister Keller until Thursday morningOn Friday night Sister Chapple and I drove to Bartlett to stay the night there, for our meeting with the apostles. We woke up the next morning SO EARLY! 3:30AM to get ready and get on a bus headed for Little Rock. We made it to the mission office building and got ready for our picture with Elder Holland and Elder Uchtdorf before our meeting. We were all waiting patiently lined up for the picture and in strolls Elder Holland. IT WAS SO GREAT TO SEE HIM IN PERSON! He was followed by Elder Uchtdorf, Elder and sister Klebingat, and Elder Baheshti. Power houses. We took our picture with them and then lined up to shake their hands. I actually got to shake the hands of two of the twelve apostles of the Lord, Jesus Christ. I was able to have a personal interview with each of them as we shook hands and looked into each others eyes. I'm pretty sure Elder Klebingat remembered me as well so I felt famous. Our meeting with all of those spiritual giants was incredible. I cant even begin to say all that was learned and felt but one point that I'll share was talked about by Elder Holland. He said that it drives him crazy and he just cant understand how any person can serve a mission and then fall away. He talked about how we will never be able to go back to who and what we were before our missions. We have inevitably been changed. He talked about how "this" (missionary work, loving the gospel, loving the Lord) is real life and we have to be all in forever. We have to go home and testify that we have been changed forever. It touched me deeply especially at this point in my mission. I can remember being out for probably about three or four months and realizing exactly what Elder Holland spoke about. I gained a testimony that the church and the gospel and the book of Mormon and all of it was true and realized I would never be the same again. I've been changed forever and I'll never go back. Every part of the rest of my life will be effected by these past 18 months of my life. There is not a neutral bone in my body. Jesus is the Christ. This is His church. Prophets and apostles walk the Earth. The Book of Mormon is true. Families can be together forever. 

Lia was able to come to the young adult session with the apostles on Saturday night and then on Sunday I got to see friends from the Bartlett ward that I hadn’t seen for almost a year!! I was a great week. Love y’all!

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