you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Super-mega update (this ones for you mom

Where do I even start? It's been a wonderful past couple of weeks (feels like a couple of days). Sister Lloyd and I have been struggling to find people to teach. I think sometimes I forget that we are serving in the south until someone tries to bible bash and we receive a rude awakening. Most people around these parts won't give you the time of day for anything that isn't between Genesis and Revelations, but at least in Bartlett they are pretty nice about it. This requires us to develop tremendous faith that the Lord is preparing people to be taught the restored gospel. I can testify to you that the Lord IS preparing hearts to receive us and the truth that has been restored to the earth, even here in the glorious bible belt (would a real bible belt have a holster large enough to fit the holy bible I'm not sure but?). 

So, a couple of weeks ago the Bartlett elders were at the chevy dealership getting an oil change. A man walked up to them and asked them how much a copy of the Book of Mormon costs. They handed him a free copy and got his information which they then referred to us. This man has been being prepared to accept the restored gospel for years. The first time we met with him he said, "I just want to know more about Jesus Christ and I know that I can through this book" (holding up the Book of Mormon: another testament of Jesus Christ). Alphonso has now read a significant portion of the Book of Mormon and is gaining a testimony of it. Man, it's cool to see. We are just instruments in the hands of our Father in Heaven in the work of the salvation of His children. He knows what they need, when they need it, and when they are ready to receive the truth. We are only servants. 

There are some major changes being made to the Memphis north stake. It's soooo exciting!! To give you a little bit of background, the Memphis 1st ward (which covers a large part of downtown Memphis) has a roster of 900 members with about 100 attending each week. The ward was receiving a huge influx of new converts a few years ago and didn't have the resources to sustain them all. Well, we've been hearing about changes to the reorganization of the stake for a while now and the presentation finally came on Saturday night. Some of the ward boundaries were changed dramatically causing many members (and even some missionaries?) to have less than gracious feelings. However, all of the talks given that night were messages of faith. Hopefully it changed some hardened hearts. Going back to the Memphis 1st ward, the major reorganization was all revolved around this ward; doing something to meet the needs of those living in the inner city. The Memphis 1st ward has now been split in half and the bottom half is split into two branches. The first branch is already underway as they've obtained a location for a meeting place and called a branch president from the Bartlett 2nd ward, brother Martinoe. The idea is that the Bartlett 2nd ward will support the southern branch, the central gardens branch, and the Bartlett 1st ward (my ward) will eventually support the northern branch. As we heard of these changes my heart swelled and the spirit testified to me that this is missionary work. That it is about each individual soul living in Memphis, Tennessee. How incredible to be a part of something so worthwhile. We worship the living Christ and I can testify to you that His church is alive; that it is progressing. Now, if I ever get called to the central gardens branch remember this. 

Along with the changes in the stake, the temple will be closing!!!!!!!!! This one I wasn't so excited about at first. It closes this year and won't open up until 2019. RIP. This effects me as I won't get to go to the temple before going home. But, how it effects me is not in the least bit important lol. The temple president, president Danielson spoke in stake conference about all of the R&I (repair and improvement) that will be happening to the Memphis temple. It won't only be more beautiful, but it will be better fit to withstand the intense humidity in Memphis. Before starting his talk president Danielson said, "now everyone stand up, take a step to the left, look up and look around. Ok, sit down. Now you can all say that you've been lifted up, that you were moved, and that you saw the light!". Life is good in the south. 

Another highlight of this week was that the Assistants came to our district meeting and Elder Cowley made a comment that was so insightful for us in helping our investigator Brian progress. As we met with Brian on the lawn of the temple, storm clouds rolled in. This helped to solidify the doctrine of opposition in all things. As rain began to dump on us I said, "Brian, we will sit in the rain as long as it takes for you to commit to read a page from the Book of Mormon every day". He finally agreed and we ran to our cars. I'm grateful for the chance to laugh and dance in the rain. 

A couple of insights (from the Book of Mormon of course). Alma the younger is preparing his sons to go and preach the gospel to the apostate Zoramites. He prays, "O Lord, wilt thou grant unto us that we may have success in bringing them again unto thee in Christ. Behold, O Lord, their souls are precious, and many of them are our brethren; therefore, give unto us, O Lord, power and wisdom that we may bring these, our brethren, again unto thee" (Alma 31:34-35). I am led to ponder wether these are my feelings towards God's children. Are their souls precious to me? Are they precious to you? Do we desire to bring them back to Heavenly Father through Christ? The chapter goes on to say, "And after that they did separate themselves one from another, taking no thought for themselves what they should eat, or what they should drink, or what they should put on. And the Lord provided for them that they should hunger not, neither should they thirst; yea, and he also gave them strength, that they should suffer no manner of afflictions, save it were swallowed up in the joy of Christ" (Alma 31:37-38). Alma and his sons went forth in selfless service, taking no thought for themselves and what they needed. Is this not charity? I invite each of us to try harder to give of our time, resources, talents, etc. to those around us, without being concerned about how it will benefit us. The Lord will pour His spirit and His blessings upon you. 

I had a spiritual awakening the other night. To be honest, I was feeling a lot of discouragement and doubt. I felt like I was drowning in my weakness and that I didn't know where to start, as all areas of my life seemed to need improvement. I grabbed the nearest copy of the Book of Mormon turned to the most common "weakness" scripture I could think of. Ether 12:27 says, "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them". I would like to focus only on the first sentence which stopped me dead in my tracks as I read it. "If men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness..". So, IF we come to Christ, having our weaknesses right in front of our faces is a part of the deal? Of course it is. When we try to draw nearer to our savior through prayer, scripture study, service, etc. OF COURSE we are going to begin to recognize all of the ways we fall short. It just makes sense. I was able to receive comfort in the fact that although it's tough to see all of my weaknesses, I know that I am coming unto Christ.

This week I've learned that doubt, discouragement, despair, and depression are tools that Satan uses to damn us (stop our progression). A verse of scripture stood out to me a couple of weeks ago which says, "And thus we see the end of him who perverteth the ways of the Lord; and thus we see that the devil will not support his children at the last day, but doth speedily drag them down to hell" (Alma 30:60). The moral of this story is that satan is NOT your friend. 

On a lighter note, the atonement of Jesus Christ is real. I'm thankful to be a part of His church, the only true and living church on the earth. God, the Eternal Father lives. This is His work. How blessed are we to be a part of it? "After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel" (Joseph Smith). I can testify to you that the priesthood power to act in Gods name, and perform the ordinances of salvation has been restored to the earth. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet. I know that Thomas S Monson is the prophet today. I know that the Book of Mormon is TRUE. READ IT! As for my testimony, I echo the words of the prophet Joseph Smith, "I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it". 

Much love,

Sister Bailey Guthrie
Lakeland sisters
It happened here!
Because I'm the worst at remembering to take pictures on exchanges with the sisters 
Stake conference and such

Lakeland Sisters
It Happened Here
exchanges with the sisters

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