you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A Refuge from the Storm

Hey y'all hey y'all life is good this week went by so fast?!?!?! I
can't believe it's Monday again. We have approached the dreadful final
week of sister Sarah Penelope Lloyd's mission. Her death will not be
in vain. She's not trunky (mission lingo for living out of your
suitcase) at all. She's the best and Bartlett is on fire. We've met
SOOOOO many new people this week. We are finding like crazy and it's
exciting every day.

On Thursday of this week we had our missionary leadership council
meeting. It was the best one I've been to so far (I've only been to
two). I rant about how wonderful President Wakolo is every week but I
don't think I'll ever say enough. He felt that he misspoke about
something in our meeting and came to the pulpit with tears in his eyes
to ask for our forgiveness. I could barely hold back my own tears.
He's truly a living example of the doctrine of Christ.

On Sunday during sacrament meeting the power went out! It became pitch
black all of the sudden because of a huge storm. Everyone screamed and
gasped for a minute and then one of the councilors in the bishopric
got up and said "ok, if we can continue to be reverent we will let
Sister Cummock finish her talk"..... lol. We sat in the dark
continuing on with sacrament meeting for about 40 min. It was awesome.
We sang "I am a child of God" and the spirit was so strong. The church
building was a refuge from the storm just as the gospel of Jesus
Christ is a refuge from the storms of life.

This morning we walked across the Mississippi with Sister Tagge and
her baby Shaylee which was great. We also explored downtown Memphis
and ate pizza and ice cream! It's been a good week in Bartlett and
there are a lot of things in the works. I'm learning and growing every
day and I'm thankful for it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEAUTIFUL MOTHER.

Stay tuned to find out what will happen next week with transfers!

District meeting
MLC sister training leaders
Sister Green my lovely best friend
My mom, sister lange
Awkward family photo
Snakes and humidity
Love y'all!
Sister Bailey Guthrie
District meeting
MLC sister training leaders

MLC sister training leaders
My mom, sister lange

Sister Green, my lovely best friend

Snakes and humidity

Sister Sarah Penelope Lloyd's final weeks

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