you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Arkansas Pineapple Whip

This week was awesome. Highlight of the week was Thursday!! We had a
leadership council meeting in North Little Rock and president Faulkner
drove us there from Memphis. We discussed deep doctrine from about 6am
to 9am in the car and then had a full day of spiritual feasting at
MLC. After our meeting we had our last interview with President
Wakolo. I cried like a baby. Thankfully after the meeting president
Faulkner took us to Arkansas Pineapple Whip (which is apparently like
dole whip at Disneyland). It was delicious and made us feel better. We
also drove the three hours back to Memphis with the windows down and
sunroof open. I had dreads by the time we got home and it was worth
it. On Friday we went to West Memphis to spend the day with the
sisters there and work their area. Since we were out of our area so
much this week we were just grinding to find new people to teach the
days we were in our area. We were feeling a bit distraught after
Saturday because basically NO ONE would talk to us, and if they did it
was to tell us to go away. Saturday night there was a huge thunder and
lightning storm that knocked out power in all of Memphis and the
surrounding areas. I've never seen anything like it. They cancelled
church in our stake so we ended up getting permission to go the YSA
branch in Walnut Grove. It was WEIRD hahaha I'm so thankful I'm a
missionary!! On Sunday night we had a miracle. We tried to have a
lesson with one of our investigators but she was avoiding us. We ended
up talking to her son and were able to teach him the restoration. He
truly wants to change his life. Another miracle was that earlier in
the week we were preparing for a lesson and invited a member to come
teaching with us. We had texted her the morning of to send her some
scriptures about the plan of salvation so that she could read them and
think about her testimony. She met us at our investigators house for
the lesson but our investigator wasn't home. We were pretty sad but
then the member told us that she had really been struggling the past
couple of days. She said her testimony of the plan of salvation was
being diminished by the trials, pain and suffering of those around
her. She said that when we sent her those scriptures she ran out to
the front yard to tell her husband. She said that she knew God was
there and that His plan was good.

Alma 7:11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and
temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled
which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his
12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of
death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their
infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to
the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his
people according to their infirmities.
13 Now the Spirit knoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God
suffereth according to the flesh that he might take upon him the sins
of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions according
to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony
which is in me.
14 Now I say unto you that ye must repent, and be born again; for the
Spirit saith if ye are not born again ye cannot inherit the kingdom of
heaven; therefore come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye may be
washed from your sins, that ye may have faith on the Lamb of God, who
taketh away the sins of the world, who is mighty to save and to
cleanse from all unrighteousness.
15 Yea, I say unto you come and fear not, and lay aside every sin,
which easily doth beset you, which doth bind you down to destruction,
yea, come and go forth, and show unto your God that ye are willing to
repent of your sins and enter into a covenant with him to keep his
commandments, and witness it unto him this day by going into the
waters of baptism.
16 And whosoever doeth this, and keepeth the commandments of God from
thenceforth, the same will remember that I say unto him, yea, he will
remember that I have said unto him, he shall have eternal life,
according to the testimony of the Holy Spirit, which testifieth in me.

GOD IS THERE AND HE LOVES YOU. That's all for today. I love y'all.


Sister Green

Arkansas Pineapple Whip

Tennessee bound

When there's a snake and you're like "nope"

Many sister missionaries at the YSA branch

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