you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Saturday, October 22, 2016

You Know Better than I

Me, Greeeeeenie-Sister Hall, Sister Clark
Train the Trainers (our training meeting), went so great this week. Part of me felt like I should've been getting off the transfer bus with all of the greenies on Tuesday. I feel like I was just in their place, because I was. I love President and Sister Wakolo so much. Every time President Wakolo speaks to us he says, "Elders and Sisters I rejoice with you in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank you for what you do but mostly we thank you for who you are". On Wednesday he said,

"I am with you. I'm all in. Through and through. I love you."
Man, he gives me strength. We went out and knocked doors twice while we were in North Little Rock. The first time, Sister Clarke and I were together before the new missionaries arrived. We met a Buddhist man who escaped from communist Laos by swimming 5 miles to Thailand with a
couple of shirts in a plastic bag and his papers rolled up in a plastic tube. Man, he was cool. Sister Clarke and I finally got to meet our trainee, Sister Hall from Colorado. She's awesome and has a strong testimony. 
This week has just been kind of all over the place.
There have been extreme highs as well as lows. When we got back to Paragould from training we found out that Ranly, who we baptized, moved away (reluctantly) with his aunt and uncle. My heart broke a little bit. Luckily, they have a Marshallese branch where he moved and we are going to make sure the missionaries in that area find him. Norma is still doing really well and we had the coolest lesson on Saturday. We talked about the restoration and prophets. Her sister in law, who is a member kept showing us pictures of her nephew. It was really random and we were kind of confused at first. Then, she showed us a picture of him and 5 other men in white shirts and ties. As we zoomed in to the right of the picture we saw President Wakolo. Wait for it. As we zoomed in to the left of the picture we saw Tad R. Callister and David A. Bednar. We about died. It was at about that same time that Norma told us that her daughter is 10 and is a member. No wonder she's been getting so stoked about the temple and eternal families. That same night we were able to see a man that we had met a couple of weeks ago through knocking doors. He's just a really great guy with the cutest little kids and we are so excited to start teaching them. Last night we went out with Sister Harmon and met another awesome new investigator. Not long after that we got a text from one of our progressing investigators asking to meet at the church. We had a feeling that something wasn't right. She is going through a really difficult time and will be leaving town. It was really hard to hear her talk about everything she's dealing with and also to say goodbye. It's hard to understand and accept the trials some people face in this life. I think as missionaries we have to be able to see people the way Christ sees them so that we can confidently testify that He is the way. That no matter how dark and lost you feel,there is hope through the savior Jesus Christ. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, "It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines”. I believe that is true because I've felt it in my own life. I've seen the atonement and
Christ's love save countless souls, including my own. "I've let go of
the need to know why, for you know better than I".

Much love,
Sister Bailey Guthrie

Little Rock bridge over the Arkansas river

Coolest picture ever!

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