you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Monday, October 24, 2016

The One and Only Paragould

This past week was equally as "all over the place" as the last. More
of our sweet Marshallese friends have moved. One of our investigators
tried to bible bash us. Many of the people we teach are dealing with
trials and illness that we have no control over which has lead me to
evaluate my testimony and conversation. 

Am I 100% confident that theatonement is real and can heal us? 
Can I look someone in the eyes who is tired of living and being in pain 
and tell them that Jesus Christ has felt it all? 
Do I believe that "the Lord (will) strengthen them that they (can) bear up their burdens 
with ease, and.. submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord"  (Mosiah24:15)?

I can say that I do truly believe in Jesus Christ and the power of His atonement. 
If I didn't, I don't think I would be here.

Being a missionary has opened my eyes in so many ways. After serving
the Lord full-time, even for the short amount of time that I have, I
never want to go back to a life of "when I feel like it" discipleship.
I'm learning that that's just not how it works. We have to ask
ourselves if we truly are converted. Has the gospel of Jesus Christ
"wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more
disposition to do evil, but to do good continually" (Mosiah 5:2)? Can
we say that we "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all
thy soul, and with all thy mind" (Mathew 22:37)? In the talk by
Jeffrey R. Holland titled "The First Great Commandment", I like to say
that Elder Holland throws down. He recounts the story of Christ
visiting His disciples, who have returned to their former lives as
fishermen, after He is resurrected. Jesus asks Peter three times, "do
you love me?" to which Peter replies that he does. Elder Holland
describes in his own words Christ's response. "What I need, Peter, are
disciples-and I need them forever. I need someone to feed my sheep and
save my lambs. I need someone to preach my gospel and defend my faith.
I need someone who loves me, truly, truly loves me, and loves what our
Father in Heaven has commissioned me to do". Elder Holland goes on to
say, "We have a life of devoted discipleship to give in demonstrating
our love of the Lord. We can’t quit and we can’t go back. After an
encounter with the living Son of the living God, nothing is ever again
to be as it was before. The Crucifixion, Atonement, and Resurrection
of Jesus Christ mark the beginning of a Christian life, not the end of
it". I love that. We're either all in or we're not. Don't we owe it to
Jesus Christ to be all in? Our savior who has given everything, even
His own life, that we might live? 
As President Wakolo often quotes from the hymn 
How Firm a Foundation, "I'll never, no never, no never forsake."

The work is still sweet in Paragould and the blessings are
as plentiful as ever. We see miracles from the Lord's hand in our work
every day, every day, every day. The refiners fire is hot but, "there
is no growth in the comfort zone, and there is no comfort in the
growth zone".

Much love,
Sister Bailey Guthrie

913 S. 22nd St. #6

Paragould, AR 72450

Saturday, October 22, 2016

You Know Better than I

Me, Greeeeeenie-Sister Hall, Sister Clark
Train the Trainers (our training meeting), went so great this week. Part of me felt like I should've been getting off the transfer bus with all of the greenies on Tuesday. I feel like I was just in their place, because I was. I love President and Sister Wakolo so much. Every time President Wakolo speaks to us he says, "Elders and Sisters I rejoice with you in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank you for what you do but mostly we thank you for who you are". On Wednesday he said,

"I am with you. I'm all in. Through and through. I love you."
Man, he gives me strength. We went out and knocked doors twice while we were in North Little Rock. The first time, Sister Clarke and I were together before the new missionaries arrived. We met a Buddhist man who escaped from communist Laos by swimming 5 miles to Thailand with a
couple of shirts in a plastic bag and his papers rolled up in a plastic tube. Man, he was cool. Sister Clarke and I finally got to meet our trainee, Sister Hall from Colorado. She's awesome and has a strong testimony. 
This week has just been kind of all over the place.
There have been extreme highs as well as lows. When we got back to Paragould from training we found out that Ranly, who we baptized, moved away (reluctantly) with his aunt and uncle. My heart broke a little bit. Luckily, they have a Marshallese branch where he moved and we are going to make sure the missionaries in that area find him. Norma is still doing really well and we had the coolest lesson on Saturday. We talked about the restoration and prophets. Her sister in law, who is a member kept showing us pictures of her nephew. It was really random and we were kind of confused at first. Then, she showed us a picture of him and 5 other men in white shirts and ties. As we zoomed in to the right of the picture we saw President Wakolo. Wait for it. As we zoomed in to the left of the picture we saw Tad R. Callister and David A. Bednar. We about died. It was at about that same time that Norma told us that her daughter is 10 and is a member. No wonder she's been getting so stoked about the temple and eternal families. That same night we were able to see a man that we had met a couple of weeks ago through knocking doors. He's just a really great guy with the cutest little kids and we are so excited to start teaching them. Last night we went out with Sister Harmon and met another awesome new investigator. Not long after that we got a text from one of our progressing investigators asking to meet at the church. We had a feeling that something wasn't right. She is going through a really difficult time and will be leaving town. It was really hard to hear her talk about everything she's dealing with and also to say goodbye. It's hard to understand and accept the trials some people face in this life. I think as missionaries we have to be able to see people the way Christ sees them so that we can confidently testify that He is the way. That no matter how dark and lost you feel,there is hope through the savior Jesus Christ. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, "It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines”. I believe that is true because I've felt it in my own life. I've seen the atonement and
Christ's love save countless souls, including my own. "I've let go of
the need to know why, for you know better than I".

Much love,
Sister Bailey Guthrie

Little Rock bridge over the Arkansas river

Coolest picture ever!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Transfer Bus

Another 10/10 week in Paragould. 
Most of my pictures this week are from Monday evening when the Harmon's kidnapped us and drove us out to a massive field of cotton. On Monday nights we do branch FHE and on the way home the elders were driving behind us. Elder Gonzales jumped
out at a red light and flung open my door. I've never screamed so
loud. I was genuinely terrified. 
On Wednesday we had zone meeting in Searcy. The zone leaders had us do something really cool. They passed
around notecards and asked us to write down the things that distracts
us from feeling the spirit and keeps us from progressing. After we
wrote these things down we went outside and burned them while 
singing the Arkansas 

Little Rock Mission song. As we went back inside the Elders explained that we would be doing a 40 day fast of those things we had written and any others we thought of before Sunday. We read a quote by Neal H. Maxwell which says, "Real, personal sacrifice never was placing an animal on the altar. Instead, it is a willingness to put the animal in us on the altar and letting it be consumed!" Man, I just love that. I don't know if I'll ever stop being amazed at the principle of working to align our will with the Father's. I feel so blessed to have had an undeniable experience in my life where I was able to see the black and white comparison of my plan for myself and God's plan. I have a strong testimony that our Heavenly Father knows us perfectly and that if we follow His plan and keep His commandments,
we will find true joy and peace. Not to mention the countless blessings He has in store for us in this life and the next. There are a lot of ups and downs on a mission (pretty much every day). One
minute I'll start to feel down or get discouraged and then the next minute could be the highlight of the week. I guess that's why we are asked to "press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope.." (2 Nephi 31:20). 

Searcy Zone
Life is one big roller coaster, but when we turn to Jesus Christ always, He can and will confirm His presence and hand in our lives. On Saturday I was getting down, feeling like our investigators weren't progressing. I had the
prompting to call a woman named Michelle who we had been trying to contact for the past week. We basically had a lesson over the phone with her and it was so cool. The spirit was present and strong. I know that my Savior never has and never will forget me. "And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up" (D&C 84:88). There is great comfort in that. 

So, transfers are happening. Also, my first transfer (6 weeks) is already over. Weird. Sister Lange is being transferred to West Memphis and Sister Clarke and I are staying here in Paragould to train our new companion who we will meet

I'm going to miss Sister Lange so dang much. She's wonderful. Today Sister Green is staying with us in Paragould until her new companion arrives in Jonesboro. Man, I'm stoked! We get to have a sleep over. Heavenly Father knows I need to see that gal often. Tomorrow Sister Clarke and I get to travel down to North Little Rock to meet our greenie and start training. I'm so excited to spend a couple of days with President and Sister Wakolo. I'm always on a spiritual high after being around them. They are seriously two of the most incredible people I've ever met. This next week should be great just like every other week of my mission so far haha. Sweet is the work. God is good.

"Yeah, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Behold, I have
graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually
before me" (Isaiah 49:16). I love my savior, Jesus Christ. I know
without a doubt that He loves each of us. He is our master and our
redeemer. He died for our sins. He is our advocate with the Father. He
has given us everything and asks so little in return.

Much love,
Sister Bailey Guthrie

Monday, October 3, 2016

Called to Serve (as a trainer)

This week has been really great. The weather has been so beautiful. We
had exchanges again, but this time with the sisters in Jonesborrow. I
got to see Sister Green twice while we switched Sister Lange and
Sister Thomas. I guess most missionaries don't get to see their MTC
companions as much as I've been able to, so I'm lucky! Hi Sister Green
(if you're reading this), I love you. Norma, the Marshallese woman we
have been teaching is really progressing. When we first began teaching
her she was shy and wasn't very open. Over the past couple of weeks
she has completely opened up. When we see each other we hug and laugh
like school girls. She's so sweet. This week we taught her about the
plan of salvation. She loved it. I kept asking her if she understood
and if she had any questions (slight language barrier) and finally she
exclaimed, "ITS GOOD" hahaha. We talked to her about the temple, and
how inside families can be sealed together forever. Her face lit up.
Baptism is now just a step on her path, with the temple as the goal.
She is set to be baptized in a couple of weeks. This weekend was
General Conference. I loved it. I have been thinking a lot about
progression and the things that I can improve on as a missionary, and
a disciple of Jesus Christ. Isn't it incredible that through out our
entire lives, and in the eternity to come, we are meant to continue to
improve, to grow and to learn ALWAYS. There will never be a day when
we realize we are the best we can be and check it off our list. There
are always opportunities to be better, and to become more like our
savior Jesus Christ. That's the whole plan, the whole purpose of this
life. Our Father in Heaven sent us to Earth and created a way by which
we could return to Him AND eventually, become like Him. I loved what
Elder J. Devn Cornish said in the Saturday morning session of
conference. He said, "The answers to the questions “Am I good enough?”
and “Will I make it?” are “Yes! You are going to be good enough” and
“Yes, you are going to make it as long as you keep repenting and do
not rationalize or rebel.” The God of heaven is not a heartless
referee looking for any excuse to throw us out of the game. He is our
perfectly loving Father, who yearns more than anything else to have
all of His children come back home and live with Him as families
forever. He truly gave His Only Begotten Son that we might not perish
but have everlasting life! Please believe, and please take hope and
comfort from, this eternal truth. Our Heavenly Father intends for us
to make it! That is His work and His glory." I think sometimes in life
we start to feel that the odds are stacked up against us and that we
are being set up for failure. In reality, we are meant to succeed and
we are meant to make it. "For behold, this is my work and my glory--to
bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39).
This is a comforting concept to ponder as this morning President
Wakolo extended to me the call to serve as a trainer. Typically
missionaries are trained for 12 weeks. I'm being asked to train
another missionary at what should have been the half way point of my
own training. Needless to say I felt a bit overwhelmed and unsure.
However, as I continued to ponder the phrase "yes, you are going to be
good enough and yes, you are going to make it" I felt comfort and
reassurance. "Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in
Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of
all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word
of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye
shall have eternal life" (2 Nephi 31:20).

I know that there is a Father in Heaven who loves each of us. I know
that He created a plan for us to progress and find joy in this life. I
know that central to that plan is our Savior and Redeemer Jesus
Christ, who atoned for the sins and heartaches of the world. Through
Him I find hope and strength each new day.

With love,

Sister Bailey Guthrie

Feeding ducks

The district

On our exchange (Sister Clarke's eyes are forever closed)

After conference with Norma!
More second coming sunsets