you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


It's been such a great week! Missions (like life) are made up of peaks
and valleys. One day could be an incredible high point and the next
could be the lowest valley. I've sort of been stuck in a valley for
the past month or so to tell you the truth. However, this past week
was definitely a peak for a lot of reasons. We went on two different
exchanges this week. I got to go on an exchange with one of the Little
Rock Spanish sisters and it was so fun. I felt like I could understand
a lot of what was being said during finding and teaching, and the
spirit speaks to everyone, so it was a cool experience. At one door
however, I thought I heard this lady who was holding her baby say
"fiesta". When we walked away I asked the hermana I was with, "what
are they having a party for??" to which she replied, "the lady said
siesta, not fiesta. She's putting her baby down for a nap." hahahha so
maybe I didn't understand as much as I thought I did. When we
exchanged back on Saturday morning, Sister lange and I had our
interviews with President Hansen. He and Sister Hansen aren't the best
at keeping secrets, let's just put it that way. President told Sister
lange and I that Sister Lange was going to be transferred next week
and that I'll be staying in Pinnacle Mountain. It was bitter sweet
news, but we still have a week left together so energy is high. During
interviews I asked President Hansen what I can do to stay on fire. He
said that the fuel to our fire is spiritual experiences. He invited me
to make sure that I have a spiritual experiences every single day and
record it in my journal. The spiritual experiences starting coming
real quick after we left our interviews. We hadn't eaten lunch so we
decided to grab a Little Caesars pizza on our way down town. Well, we
walked in and ordered our food and the cashier asked us what we were
doing. We said, "well, getting food, but also we are missionaries". He
looked at our name tags and said, "OH! Latter-Day Saints". He told us
that a really long time ago he had seen a commercial on TV for our
church and it had sparked an interest. He was really surprised to find
out that there is a church here in Little Rock and expressed the
desire to visit. We read him a scripture from the Book of Mormon and
gave him the copy. The spirit was strong while sharing the gospel in
Little Caesars and it fueled my fire. That same night we were finding
on a street near the church. I had just been on the Spanish exchange
and I noticed a house with Christmas lights on it, a bird cage
outside, and a mop by the door. I said to Sister Lange, "this family
is Hispanic" and she was really convinced they weren't. Well, I said,
"how much do you want to bet?" And she said, "a Dr Pepper". We shook
hands and knocked on the door. Well, unfortunately no one answered. A
Dr Pepper and the opportunity to be right were on the line. I said we
could knock on their neighbors door and ask them if the people who
live next door are Hispanic, so we did. A nice lady answered the door
and guess what? She told us the family next door IS hispanic. With a
Dr Pepper and bragging rights locked in, I was feeling pretty good.
Well, you know what's even better than being right? Teaching the
gospel. The lady who answered the door invited us right in to share
our message. We taught her about the restoration of Jesus Christ's
church. We read 2 Nephi 32:5 with her which says, "For behold, again I
say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy
Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do". We
testified that the Holy Ghost will show her the truth and the path
Heavenly Father has outlined for her family. Overall, we just had a
great week and weekend. We visited a member of the ward and she lives
with a bunch of her family members. There are like 7 kids under the
age of 6 who run around and scream and fight and make messes. Sister
lange was talking to the member and I decided it would be a good idea
to try to entertain the kids. Bad idea. I sat down and two seconds
later there were a couple of kids behind me "doing my hair" and
another three trying to climb on my lap and steal my iPad. There were
a couple kids fighting over who got to sit next to me, and it was all
so fun. I don't know why but it made me happy!!!! I feel like I've
learned a lot this week and my studies have been killer. I've been
feasting in second Nephi and Jacob. I'm learning so much. I started
re-marking the first copy of the Book of Mormon that I ever read cover
to cover from when I first came out on my mission. I'm using five
different colors to mark verses and passages related to the five
missionary discussions. There's so much true doctrine found in the
Book of Mormon. I wish everyone would just read it and let it change
their life like it has mine. From my intense studying I've been able
to share scriptures a lot more than usual in finding and teaching
situations. It's given me strength and confidence to teach anyone and
everyone about what I know to be true. I'll stop rambling, but it was
a great week and I'm thankful that there is always a light at the end
of the tunnel in life. Heavenly Father allows us to have dark and
cloudy days so that we can appreciate the sunshine. Life is good and
I'm thankful for the blessing it is to represent Jesus Christ; His
true character, true gospel, and true church. Also, I almost forgot to
share some exciting news we got at our missionary leadership council
meeting this week. Our mission has been selected as one of twelve to
pilot a new phase of missionary work in the digital age which includes
receiving smart phones with unlimited data and internet access. We
will also start using Facebook along with that. I was a bit hesitant
when we first heard about all of this, because it's really nice to be
detached from the world as much as possible. However, I know that this
will help to hasten our work in big ways. The technologies of today
have been foreseen and inspired of the Lord to do His work in
spreading the gospel since the beginning of time. I'm ready to do
whatever He asks. "Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he
created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has
all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that
man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend"
(Mosiah 4:9). I know that God, the Eternal Father, lives. I know that
Jesus Christ is His son. I know that the power of the atonement of
Jesus Christ is real because I've felt it. "I glory in plainness; I
glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from
hell" (2 Nephi 33:6).

I hope y'all have a safe holiday and a great week!! TE QUIERO MUCHO


When you're parked outside your investigators house 
and they get in their car and leave

Can't wait to have kids lol

When your companion says, "get out, get out, get out" and then you
come back in the room and find this.. (my birthday was in March..)

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