you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Monday, September 11, 2017

Listen to That Voice 💕

Temple Trip!!!
I don't have a lot of time to email today BECAUSE I GET TO GO TO THE
TEMPLE and I'm driving one of the cars of missionaries over the river
so I'll have NO TIME to email. Worth it though. This is the last time
I'll get to go to the temple before it closes for renovations. Sister
Lange and I had a great week! It was bittersweet because we knew she
was going to be transferred but we had a lot of fun to make up for it.
She's going to be trio training in Jonesboro. So stoked for her. 
My new companion will be Sister Feinga! She's from Tonga and had been
serving in Glenwood. We are about to have a great transfer. Sister
Feinga and I had an exchange here in Pinnacle Mountain last week and
we killed it and saw many miracles so I'm confident there are good
things to come. I'll share a couple of cool experiences from this
week. I was on an exchange in the area with another sister and we were
trying to have a lesson with one of our investigators. Well, she
didn't answer her door. So, sister Minster and I kind of lingered in
the area to see if there was anyone else we could talk with. We saw a
cute girl getting out of her car so we ran over to her. She had some
baby stuff in her hands so we asked if she needed any help and if she
had just had a baby. She said yes, that her and her husband had just
had a little baby boy! She also said that her husband is Mormon.. we
were super surprised and asked if we could come over sometime to get
to know them better. She said yes and we gave her our card. As we were
walking away sister mister and I were kicking ourselves in the butt
because we didn't ask her for her phone number. Well, get this. Right
when we got into our car to leave we got a text message. It was from
the girl we met asking us if we wanted to come by and get some water
and use the bathroom before we left. MIRACLE!!! We of course said yes.
We were able to talk with her about her religious background and it
turns out she loves the things our church teaches and is open to
learning more. We are going to make her cookies this week and drop
them by to thank her and schedule a time to teach her about the
gospel. I love when things like that happen. I know the Lord inspired
our minds during our planning to help us be in the right place at the
right time even though our original appointment fell through. Last
experience I'll share, sister lange and I were at McDonald's sending
some emails to our investigators. It was 8:45 and we were going to
head out to get home before 9. Sister lange started to sync her iPad
which would take about 5 minutes. I had a really strong impression,
"it's time to leave". Well, I ignored it and we sat there for a few
more minutes. When we went to leave McDonald's a man came up to us
outside and started to harass us, asking us to take him somewhere in
our car. Another man pulled up in his truck and was getting really
close to us as well. The two men were arguing back and forth and so we
ended up going inside McDonalds. They both continued to harass us for
a while and eventually we called the AP's and asked them to come and
walk us to our car. It ended up being okay, but it was such a clear
example of how important it is to listen to the still small voice. It
really can and will speak to us. It warns us of danger and prompts us
to do what is right. I'm thankful for that experience and that it
didn't turn out any worse. That's all I have for you today. I hope all
of you have a great week and that you'll make it a goal to have at
least one spiritual experience a day. It's something I've been doing
this past week and man, God is good.

Much love, sister guthrie

1-3 Selfies with Carson the cutest kid in Arkansas

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