you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Monday, June 26, 2017

It is Written

Great first week in Pinnacle Mountain!! Since we are in the ward with
the Mission Home and President we were able to help out with the
training meeting for the new missionaries. We had some of the sisters
who were going to be trainers stay at our house for a couple of days!
It was a party. Also, I'm so happy to be with Sister Lange this
transfer! The spirit told me a couple of months ago that my next
transfer would be to Pinnacle Mountain with Sister Lange as my
companion and here we are. We live with members, the Tarboxs and they
are so fun. They've been out of town so we are taking care of the
house, cats, and plants #responsibility . Our area is straight up
Little Rock!!!!!!!!!! Like the city!!!! We walked around the city this
week and it was unreal. I love it. Sister Lange and I have hit the
ground running this transfer and are excited about what is to come in
our area, companionship, with the sisters we have stewardship over,
and all other aspects of the work. It's going to be a goooood
transfer. This week we've been raving about scriptures and how
incredible they are. They are the words of the Lord and they are
powerful. I love the story in the New Testament where Jesus Christ
fasts for 40 days and then is tempted by Satan. Over and over again he
says, "it is written.." and then goes on to quote scripture to combat
the tactics of the devil. I've been trying to memorize scriptures a
lot lately so that I can follow Jesus' example and be able to say, "it
is written..." and share scriptures directly from the Book of Mormon.
Scriptures invite to spirit and teach true doctrine. Christ himself
has said, "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal
life: and they are they which testify of me" (John 5:39). I love y'all
and I love being a missionary. This is the best time of my life and by

far the best time for my life.

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