you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Monday, June 26, 2017

It is Written

Great first week in Pinnacle Mountain!! Since we are in the ward with
the Mission Home and President we were able to help out with the
training meeting for the new missionaries. We had some of the sisters
who were going to be trainers stay at our house for a couple of days!
It was a party. Also, I'm so happy to be with Sister Lange this
transfer! The spirit told me a couple of months ago that my next
transfer would be to Pinnacle Mountain with Sister Lange as my
companion and here we are. We live with members, the Tarboxs and they
are so fun. They've been out of town so we are taking care of the
house, cats, and plants #responsibility . Our area is straight up
Little Rock!!!!!!!!!! Like the city!!!! We walked around the city this
week and it was unreal. I love it. Sister Lange and I have hit the
ground running this transfer and are excited about what is to come in
our area, companionship, with the sisters we have stewardship over,
and all other aspects of the work. It's going to be a goooood
transfer. This week we've been raving about scriptures and how
incredible they are. They are the words of the Lord and they are
powerful. I love the story in the New Testament where Jesus Christ
fasts for 40 days and then is tempted by Satan. Over and over again he
says, "it is written.." and then goes on to quote scripture to combat
the tactics of the devil. I've been trying to memorize scriptures a
lot lately so that I can follow Jesus' example and be able to say, "it
is written..." and share scriptures directly from the Book of Mormon.
Scriptures invite to spirit and teach true doctrine. Christ himself
has said, "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal
life: and they are they which testify of me" (John 5:39). I love y'all
and I love being a missionary. This is the best time of my life and by

far the best time for my life.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Bitter Sweet

Quick clarification from last weeks email; when I say hey y'all I DO
hope you think of Johnny Cash or Elvis Presley. THIS WEEK IS SO BITTER
SWEET!!!!!!! I'm leaving Bartlett. RIP. I've loved this area so much
and Sister Anderson and I have done work. We have five people that
have accepted a baptismal date and are working towards getting
baptized. We've met so many great people this transfer and my faith
has been built so much. Leaving would be the bitter part of this
situation. The sweet part is that I'm GOING TO PINNACLE MOUNTAIN AND
MY NEW (or old) COMP IS SISTER LANGE. I'll explain why that deserves
all caps. First of all, Pinnacle Mountain is in Little Rock and it is
the area where the mission home is, soooo President and Sister Wakolo
are in our ward!!!! Also, President and Sister Hansen will be in our
ward when they get here in a couple of weeks. Secondly, Sister Lange
was my first companion!!!! I get to be with her again. I feel so
blessed!!! This is a short email because transfer days are stressful
but y'all.. life is good.

Much love,

Sister Guthrie

905 Kierre Dr.
North Little Rock, AR 72116

Monday, June 12, 2017

Now Go Get Your Feet Wet

It's funny to think of the difference between a southern hey y'all and
a western hey y'all. I hope when I say y'all you don't imagine me to
be Elvis Presley or Johnny Cash and not Joe Dirt.  Anyways, it's been a
great week. I say that every week, but it's true. I think the best
part of this week was the success we had in finding new people to
teach and getting them to show a sincere desire by coming to church.
The two people we found, Larry and Tim were both member referrals
(nudge nudge every member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints). We need y'all. We were able to have those members who gave us
the referral present for our lessons with with Larry and Tim. Both of
the lessons went great and Tim accepted the invitation to be baptized.
The sister that came with us to teach Larry bore testimony of her
experience coming to know that the Book of Mormon was true and the
spirit was so strong it was undeniable. So, Larry and Tim both ended
up coming to church along with another one of our investigators. We
actually weren't in Bartlett for church on Sunday because we had to
drive out to West Memphis to help out the sisters there, but we know
that our investigators were taken care of because the members in
Bartlett are outstanding. On Thursday morning I woke up with an ear
infection which was random because I thought only five year olds get
ear infections but apparently not. Also something random and funny
that happened this week, about a month ago I got stitches in my arm
and then got them removed (typical). Well, a few days later I could
feel something in my arm that I swore was a piece of plastic (not
typical). So, this week I finally went back in to get it checked out
and the doctor had literally left a piece of the stitch in my arm. Not
cool. The other doctors and nurses were so excited to give him a hard
time when he gets back in town. Also, I told the Physicians Assistant
that was trying to get it out to just cut me open without numbing me.
It was rad. Well, today we are going to go to the Memphis Zoo!!!!! So,
I will quickly talk about the first principle of the gospel and then
we can all get outta here early. In district meeting this transfer and
in our companionship we've been talking about this cool story from the
Old Testament found in Joshua chapter 3. Long story short, the Lord
commands the Israelites to take the ark of the covenant and cross the
Jordan river. Well, what is so noteworthy is that the Israelites don't
just stand at the edge of the water and wait for the river to separate
or stop or whatever they may have expected God to do to make it
possible. The priests carrying the ark of the covenant step into the
water, and THEN it parts and they are able to walk through on dry
ground, "And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the Lord
stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the
Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people were passed
clean over Jordan" (Joshua 3:17). I think this is just such a cool
principle, that sometimes we have to get our feet wet before God shows
His hand. In the gospel it is called faith. In Ether 12:6 Moroni says,
"..I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped
for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye
receive no witness until after the trial of your faith". My mom
emailed me this morning and told me about a fireside she did for girls
camp in our ward this past week. In it she talked about my uncle Ray
who is an amazing person and has never let any situation or trial of
faith, even being paralyzed from the waist down at 17 years old, stop
him. I'll just paste what she said because it's so applicable.

"During the hike we stopped at a clearing for my fireside about Ray’s
accident and the "5,000 fed" from the scriptures... The part of the
5000 fed, I referred to how the Savior moved forward serving the
people, and preparing to feed them as if He always had enough food. He
didn't take time to look at what was missing. He looked at what He had
and He looked at the needs of the people and then He started to act.
He divided them into groups and asked His apostles to start dividing
up the five loaves and two fishes. Then He prayed and blessed the
food. I prefer one of the accounts that says He thanked God. So my
goal and my point that I hope they understood was; every day we wake
up lacking in some way. Instead of waking up and looking at what we're
missing or lacking, we need to wake up, look at what the needs are,
and start moving forward as if we already have enough. The apostles of
Christ at that time were so focused on what was lacking, that they
were ready to give up before even trying. They asked the Savior to
send the people home so that they could find food themselves. I pulled
it together by reminding them of uncle Ray's story.  Being paralyzed
from the neck down never stopped him from achieving his goals. He
moves forward as if he was already healed and whole. He stands taller
than most people I know. I told the girls to stand tall and wear their
crowns as if they have already received all of God's blessings." -mom

Faith is a principle of action. We show our faith by what we do. Now
go get your feet wet.

Sister Bailey Guthrie
6401 Newstone Dr. Apt 302
Bartlett, TN 38135

Leadership training
Round donut round face

My sisters

Gotta love cute kids in Memphis (look at lil tanks hair he's wildin)

We Know Who Wins in the End

This week was awesome. I'll give a few highlights. So, first of all we
had a breakthrough lesson with a few of our investigators. We are
teaching a lady named Priscilla, her son Tevin, and their friend
Shameika. We read Alma chapter 36 with them, which is an amazing
chapter about repentance, forgiveness and the atonement of Jesus
Christ. We absolutely dove into that chapter and they loved it. The
prophet Alma does such a good job of explaining to his son Helaman
what it is like to feel the power of Christ's sacrifice at work in
your life. He says, "And it came to pass that as I was thus racked
with torment, while I was harrowed up by the memory of my many sins,
behold, I remembered also to have heard my father prophesy unto the
people concerning the coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to
atone for the sins of the world. Now, as my mind caught hold upon this
thought, I cried within my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy
on me, who am in the gall of bitterness, and am encircled about by the
everlasting chains of death. And now, behold, when I thought this, I
could remember my pains no more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory
of my sins no more. And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did
behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!
Yea, I say unto you, my son, that there could be nothing so exquisite
and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again I say unto you, my son,
that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as
was my joy" (Alma 36:17-21). That's one of my favorite passages of
scripture. I can remember a time in my life where I was miserable,
distraught, angry, devastated and hopeless over a situation I was in.
My mom gave me the best advice I've ever received. She simply said,
"go get on your knees and give it to God" and I did. I prayed and
pleaded with God for help and peace and I promised that I would do
anything He asked of me. When I did that an actual wave of peace
flooded over me, I could feel it. I learned so many things from that
experience. I learned that God was real. I learned that Jesus Christ
could in reality take away the pain I felt. I learned that He doesn't
hesitate. The moment we reach for Him, He's there, because He's been
there all along. After reading Alma 36 with Priscilla, Tevin and
Shameika we began to teach them about the Plan of Salvation and the
doctrine of the pre existence. As we taught these things and read from
the scriptures, Priscilla stopped us and said, "you know what, I've
been confused about all of this for 40 years and I never understood
until this very moment". My testimony grew that God is preparing
people every day to be taught the full truth of His plan. Priscilla
had been searching and wondering and questioning for years and in a
moment she found what she had been looking for. All three of them have
accepted an invitation to be baptized. Another highlight of this week
was a HUGE service project that we got to be apart of in Memphis. The
missionaries in Tennessee got to be team leaders for a "feeding the
elderly" project on Saturday. It was so fun. There was a girl named
Karie Anne interning for the company that put on the service event and
she was a member. She came up to us and was like "sistaaasss' enjoy
the music you won't hear it again for a while". We were in Memphis so
they had to play some rap and hip hop to get the people going. The
missionaries had a great time. (Makenna, they played Closer by the
Chainsmokers and I felt like God wanted me to hear it. I thought of
you the whole time). Anyways, this week was overall really good. On
Sunday after church satan used a baptist preacher to try to attack me.
I really felt like he was using this man as a vessel to get to me. It
was pretty annoying and I just wanted y'all to know that satan sucks.
He is just as real as God is but he hates us and God loves us. Never
stop fighting him. We know who wins in the end. I love y'all and I
know that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the Lords
kingdom on the Earth. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and life
changing. It is for me. I know that life is hard and it's easy to want
to give up, give in and let go. Don't. Like I said, we know who wins
in the end. "..choose you this day whom ye will serve.. but as for me
and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15). "27 Wherefore,
men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them
which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and
eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose
captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the
devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto
himself" (2 Nephi 2:27).

Love y'all! Stay sweet!
The picture of us at MLC with President that didn't send last week

Beautiful temple

The baller district -Elder Ockey

Missionary tan plus a helmet tan that you can't see


Hairnet gang

Just drivin'