you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Monday, December 26, 2016

And a Happy New Year!

First of all, I hope y'all had a Merry Christmas! This week has been
go, go, go. We've been working hard and we've seen blessings. We are
learning that one of the most important things to do is to talk to
everyone. Although not everyone we talk to will want to hear more, the
Lord will see our efforts and He will trust us with His children that
are ready. On Thursday the sister training leaders in Searcy came down
to Paragould for the day. As we were walking we ran into a member on
the street that we were planning on visiting. He told us that he was
on his way to a friends house. Without thinking about it I said, "can
we come with you?". He said sure, so we followed him. His friends
ended up being really interested in learning more, so we've started to
teach them. On Christmas Eve we went around visiting people. We
stopped by Kathy's for a lesson. As we were getting out of the car I
had this feeling that I should give a package of ritz crackers we had
in the car to her. I thought to myself, "do I just want to bring these
because I'm hungry?". I started to get out of the car without the
crackers. Again I felt prompted to bring the crackers to Kathy. So, I
picked them up and told Sister Hall, "I'm not sure why, but I feel
like we should give these to Kathy". As she came to open the door you
could see it on her face that she was feeling terrible. I immediately
gave her the crackers and her face lit up. She smiled so big and
started laughing uncontrollably. She let us come in and her mood had
completely changed. It was such a testimony builder that GOD LOVES HIS
CHILDREN. He knows and numbers each one. He uses others to lift them.
We can all be instruments in His hands through service. We starting
teaching a woman named Sandra a couple of weeks ago, and we've really
only seen her a couple of times because she lives so far away. On
Christmas Eve she invited us to come have dinner with her family. They
did a gift exchange and Sandra put together a gift for both Sister
Hall and I. It was so sweet of her. The people here in Paragould have
taken such good care of us missionaries. We see people who have very
little, but still give everything they can to others. Our
investigators Billy and Chasity are still doing really well. They've
started reading the Book of Mormon as a family and praying about
certain things we've taught them. Sister Hall and I were a little
devastated when they didn't make it to church yesterday. They've
become like family to us. When you love someone, you want them to know
the same joy and happiness that you know. When Lehi partook of the
fruit of the tree of life his first response was, "And as I partook of
the fruit thereof it filled my soul with exceedingly great joy;
wherefore, I began to be desirous that my family should partake of it
also; for I knew that it was desirable above all other fruit" (1 Nephi
8:12). Just as the fruit represents the pure love of Christ, my joy
comes from living the gospel of Jesus Christ and experiencing that
love as I keep the commandments of God. This week as I pleaded with my
father in heaven to help Billy and Chastity gain a testimony of the
Book of Mormon, I felt something similar to Nephi as he said, "For I
pray continually for them by day, and mine eyes water my pillow by
night, because of them; and I cry unto my God in faith, and I know
that he will hear my cry". Much love until next week friends and
family, and a happy new year!!!

Sister Bailey Guthrie

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