you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Sick as a Dog but the Book of Mormon is Still True

Hey y’all!! So this week was good but I’ve been soooo sick. I’ve got a terrible cold and it’s not letting up!! Being sick on the mission is seriously miserable. Pray for me!! We had a couple of great experiences this week that I want to talk about. Last Monday evening we felt prompted to visit a member that we had never met before. We knocked on the door and the members boyfriend, Johnny answered. They let us in and we were able to get to know them a little bit. After talking with them it was really clear that Johnny was confused about religion and things that he had been taught in the past. I felt like he was just looking for the truth and peace. We were able to be so bold with him, inviting him to learn about the restored gospel and to read the Book of Mormon. At one point I even felt prompted to say, “I exhort you to read the Book of Mormon to know the truth for yourself”. The spirit was SO strong and I know he felt it. Later in the week the zone leaders, District leader, oxford elders and us did a blitz of the area to spread the new #LightTheWorld initiative around Oxford. If you haven’t seen the video yet, go to to watch it! The blitz was so fun and we met a bunch of people. We had a cool experience with one of our investigators that same day as well. We sat down for our lesson and she started to cry as she talked about some of the trials she’s going through. She said, “if there is more that God wants me to know, I’m ready for it”. We handed her a copy of the Book of Mormon and said, “here it is; this is what He wants you to know”. I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON AND I KNOW THAT IT IS TRUE. The prophet Joseph smith taught that the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. President Ezra Taft Benson said that it is our “keystone” for at least three reasons: It testifies of Jesus Christ and is an additional witness of His divinity, it contains the fullness of the doctrine that Christ taught, and it is the foundation of our testimony of the restoration of the gospel in these latter-days. I’ve come to know that all of the above is true by reading the Book of Mormon with a sincere heart, faith in Christ, a desire to know it’s truthfulness and a willingness to act on the message it teaches. By the power of the Holy Ghost I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I’ll never stop testifying of that. The gospel makes me so happy and that is reason enough for me to live it. I hope that y’all had a great thanksgiving and felt the spirit as you reflected on all that Heavenly Father has blessed you with. He is so good. 

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