you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Hotty toddy & Sis Gummow

Hello friends and family, from the beautiful state of Mississippi. I spent my whole childhood spelling out Mississippi because it’s fun and look at me now. I’m living the dream!! Oxford, MS is home to the University of Mississippi or more commonly known as Ole Miss. I love it here. It’s like no other area I’ve been in so far. My new companion is Sister Gummow and we are having a great time getting to know the members and knocking on doors. The members in the ward have been SO willing to give us referrals which is such a breathe of fresh air. Missionary work is a lot easier and more productive when members are at the head of it. All the people we’ve met so far in this area have been very nice. Southern charm and hospitality is real down here. We knocked on a door and a young man about our age answered. I asked where he was from and he told us the name of a town. I asked if that was in Mississippi and he said, “no ma’am, it’s in Alabama” with the thickest southern accent. I was so charmed. Too bad he doesn’t have the gospel. He wasn’t interested but he WAS polite. We were knocking doors in another area and a lady answered. She had a bandage on her nose and slightly blackened eyes (we are pretty sure she had just gotten a nose job). She wasn’t interested in our message so we asked for referrals. She said, “I don’t really know my neighbors, this is just our ‘football season’ house”. Hahaha Ole Miss football is no joke. So, through out the week we’ve been seeing the phrase “HOTTY TODDY” printed on just about anything you can imagine (t-shirt’s, cups, flags, cars, billboards, etc.). Finally we asked a lady what it means. She laughed and said, “it’s a drink...” lol we found out later that that’s not really correct so she was probably trying to be funny ‘cause we’re Mormons ya know. Well, HOTTY TODDY is actually a greeting phrase and a part of some of the Ole Miss chants. The drink came after the phrase. So, HOTTY TODDY (hey, what’s up). Anyways, it was a good week because we haven’t knocked on any frat houses yet and hopefully never will *shivers at the thought*. This week I was struggling with some personal things. I was praying really hard. I was telling Heavenly Father that I was angry because someone had treated me badly. Well, Heavenly Father quickly put the thought into my mind and heart, “I bet Jesus Christ wanted to react when He was treated badly”. The Book of Mormon verses Alma 7:11-12 ran through my mind which say, “And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people. And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities”. It was a great wake up call to me and certainly a humbling moment. Jesus Christ has felt all that I have and ever will and so much more. His dignity, humility, long suffering, patience, submissiveness, faith and diligence is a perfect example to us all and especially to me. I love my Savior. He is my good shepherd and yours. Have faith in Him. He will carry you through. 

HOTTY TODDY & have a great week,
Sister Guthrie 

Shots fired from Mississippi to Arkansas
Be thankful especially if you are from the south 
Courthouse on the square


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