you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

It's not even Easter, but HE IS RISEN!

Happy Monday! 

I'm excited to talk about my week. It was a good one! I
think sister Lange and I were able to recognize more miracles and
blessings this week. They've been here all along, but we have tried to
open our eyes to them this week and it's increased my faith. God is so
merciful and so involved in our lives. He really loves us. 

We have been striving to be completely prayerful and "spirit led" in
everything that we do. I made it a goal this week that if we are ever
not sure what we should do about something (where to go, who to visit,
what to teach, etc.) that we will kneel down right then and offer up a
prayer. Let me tell you, it happens a lot because we know nothing.
It's been incredible to seek for inspiration constantly from the Lord,
and then get it. I'm learning so much about inviting the spirit and
recognizing the promptings it gives. I've been thinking about how
useful it will be for the rest of my life to know this pattern of not
knowing what to do, praying, seeking answers from God, listening for
the spirit, and then acting upon the answers I receive. It's much
easier to have confidence in the choices you make when you know that
they are in line with the will of the Lord. One of the times that we
applied this pattern of receiving revelation was on Wednesday night.
We had a member out with us to go teach a family of recent converts to
the church. We had been trying for weeks to set up appointments to
take this specific member to and finally, this was the week! Well, the
family we were going to teach cancelled their appointment. Sister
Lange and I were devastated and panicked, but we kept our cool in
front of the member. We looked at each other and knew what we needed
to do. We looked at our back up plans and then said a prayer. We
prayed and asked the Lord who needed us that night; who we could
teach; who we needed to go see. After the prayer we sat quietly for a
few minutes. Eventually we felt pretty good about trying a few
different people, but at the last minute one of our investigators came
to our mind. So, we added her to the plans and headed out. Well, no
one that we had in our plans answered!! Not even the specific
investigator that we thought of answered. Why would the Lord tell us
to visit someone, knowing that she wouldn't be home? We continued to
follow our plans and we talked with everyone that we could along the
way. Our last plan was to try one of our investigators, Jenell. She
didn't answer so we headed back to our car. As we were about to get
in, we saw a young man sitting in his car. I felt like we should talk
with him, so we did. Well, as we were talking with him, Jenell pulled
up! She invited us inside and the member we had with us was perfect
for her. They had a lot in common and the member talked to Jenell a
lot about church and how it will fill all of her families needs. The
lesson went great and we realized that all of the things that we had
felt prompted to do that evening led us to be in the right place at
the right time to have a lesson with Jenell. Jesus Christ has said, "I
know my sheep, and they are numbered" (3 Nephi 18:31). 

On Thursday night we had dinner with Elder and sister Beheshti. Elder Beheshti is
an area seventy and they are in our ward. They are powerhouses. They
had recently taken a trip to Jerusalem (what a dream). They had
brought back shells from the Sea of Galilee and smoothed stones from
the place where David slew Goliath, AND YOU KNOW WHAT???? THEY GAVE
THEM TO US. Man, I wanted to cry but I held it together. "And Jesus,
walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter,
and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were
fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you
fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed
him" (Matthew 4:18-20). The shell from the Sea of Galilee is a
reminder that I am called of God to be a fisher of men and the
smoothed stone gives me strength to slay my giants (trails) every day.
How cool is that? Another spiritual experience I had this week
happened on Saturday morning as I began reading from Luke chapter 24
in my personal study. This is a chapter that talks about the
resurrection of Jesus Christ and as I read the words, "Why seek ye the
living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen", tears began to
fall. The spirit overwhelmed me and I knew without a doubt that what I
read was true. I know that Jesus Christ suffered, bled, and died for
our sins and that on the third day He rose again. He actually lived
again. His spirit returned to a glorified and perfected body of flesh
and bone. Jesus is the Christ and He lives. My mission is to testify of Him.

I hope that y'all have another great week and look for opportunities
to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ and His teachings. 
I love

One dolla hot dogs pleaseeeee

Largest spider known to me
She attacks me every day??!!!!!

Shell from the Sea of Galilee and smoothed stone

View from uncle bakers house

Also got a super old copy of the Book of Mormon this week

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