you are hereby called to serve in the Arkansas, Little Rock Mission ❤️ August 2016 - February 2018 ❤️

Monday, September 5, 2016


OK, first week in the MTC was the longest week of my life and now this past week has flown by. Time is warped here. I think I'm finally adjusting to the no sleep, constant studying, all day class, spiritual overload. Two new districts of Sisters got here this last week. It's been so fun getting to know them and helping them get a hang of this place. This week has made me realize how blessed I am to have Sister Green as my companion. I know that we were supposed to be companions. We get along so well (and I know not all of my comps are gonna be so easy to live with) but having little to no issues within our companionship lets us focus on helping the other sisters in our zone. Being a Sister Training Leader has taught me so much about service and having a Christ like love for everyone. Sister Green is amazing. She is one of the most outgoing, friendly, loving people I have ever met. I've had a hard time with all of those things in my 20 years on this earth, but the MTC is a place of growth and change. I'm so thankful for that. I feel like I'm becoming the best version of myself. Still me, but improved. 

So, last Wednesday Sister Green and I planned to teach our first investigator, Hannah. We shared the lesson we prepared with our teacher Brother Walters. Approximately 5 minutes before our meeting with Hannah Bro W suggested a different approach for our message. He shared Mosiah chapter 24 with us (best story ever; just kidding they're all the best). In this chapter Alma and his people are being persecuted by Amulon. Pretty much, Amulon throws them all in jail and when they start to cry to God he tells them if he hears them pray, they will be put to death (not cool). "And Alma and his people did not raise their voices to the Lord their God, but did pour out their hearts to him; and he did know the thoughts of their hearts." Verses 13-15 go on to say that because of this the Lord strengthened Alma and his people and eased their burdens (read the verses because they are amazing but I don't have time to type it all). Brother Walters explained to us that the point he is trying to make is that God doesn't always (or even usually) just make our trials go away BUT, he will change us and strengthen us so that we are STRONG ENOUGH TO BEAR IT. How cool is that? Hannah (our investigator) is an incredible young lady who has been through a whole lot in her life so this story was totally applicable to her situation. Now, even though these verses that our teacher shared with us were amazing and totally spot on, Sister Green and I felt completely overwhelmed at the sudden "change of plans" as far as our lesson was concerned. Like I said, at this point we had about 2 minutes before we had to leave for our appointment and I began to tear up. Brother Walters could see that we were stressed and said, "If all else fails, bear your testimony that if we turn to the Lord in our trials, He can and will change our hearts and make us better" Well, that's what we did. And the spirit was so strong. It was the first time I really felt that the Holy Ghost was my second companion while teaching. The spirit softened Hannah's heart in that moment. She agreed to say the closing prayer in our meeting (something she hadn't been comfortable with before) and it was one of the most beautiful prayers I have ever heard. She prayed for help and direction. She prayed for guidance and answers. The next appointment we had with Hannah (on Friday) was equally as incredible as the last. The spirit testified to her that the message we had to share was true and that " is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true." Alma 32:21. As Hannah read this verse out loud she totally face-palmed and we could read her mind saying "crap... this is true" hahaha (best moment of the week). We committed Hannah to be baptized! Sister Green and I left this appointment feeling that our hearts could absolutely burst, smiling from ear to ear. I've never felt so much joy. If this is what a mission is all about I'm warning you right now (mom & dad) I'm never coming home. 

Exactly a week from today I'll be on a plane headed to Little Rock so that's scary and amazing. I won't have a pday next week so no email just so ya know. I'm so excited to meet my mission president and his wife. I already love them with all of my heart. Every day I thank God for helping me get my butt out here. I wouldn't trade these experiences for the world and its only been two weeks.. I can't even imagine how I'll feel in 18 months. I love being here. I love being a missionary and representative of my savior Jesus Christ. A common saying here is "let your badge be engraved on your heart". 

Our Sunday night devotional was nuts. We sang in a choir of 1,703 missionaries (basically the army of Helaman) with the Nashville Tribute Band. SO cool. The other two missionaries not in the choir really loved it.. (lol jk, but really). If you haven't heard of the Nashville Tribute Band I suggest you go listen to some of their songs. Christian Country music is underrated. 

Random but I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't get to see the artwork they've got here at the MTC. There's a Liz Lemon Swindle called "The Dove" of Christ and John the Baptist in the Jordan. Never had chills looking at a painting until I saw that bad boy. 

Also random but MTC rumors are the worst such as "Elder Holland is speaking tonight", "It's President Monson's birthday so we are singing to him at devo", "The food is good" none of which ended up being true. 

Hahaha ok I dont know what else to say but I love all of this and I love all of you. The church is true and God is good. 

Sister Guthrie

1.Preach my gospel gang (missing photo)
2.When the teacher tells you to take a nap you take a nap (missing photo)
3.Trying to take a picture of all of the sisters in the zone (missing photo)
4.Temple trip (missing photo)
5.Normal clothes aka picture worthy event (missing photo)
6.Elder Hansen can't bowl 
7.Home girl Sister Clove
8.Mom you're the bomb love Sister Green & I 

9.Wear grey joggers at all costs

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